Game Compatibility

MetaPassport welcomes collaboration with all game developers. We believe in a collective effort to push the robust development of the Web3.0 gaming industry. We will actively reach out to the developers that fit our roadmap and progress and build up the gamer DID with them.

The Evolution of MetaPassport

In phase 1, we plan to accumulate as many composable components that can be applied on the avatars, which allows avatar holders to better reflect their unique personalities in the MetaPassport ecosystem. We do this by continuously collaborating with various NFT projects.

Integrate MetaPassport into diverse games

In phase 2, we wish to cooperate with all kinds of mini casual games so that our virtual avatar can be compatible with diverse styles of projects, interact with those games, and allow our users to enter more games with MetaPassport.

Transform MetaPassport into avatars in the Web3.0 world

In phase 3, through our revolutionizing technology, our users will be able to participate in various Web3.0 games with their MP virtual avatars from a first-person perspective. We aim to create an immersive gaming experience for all MetaPassport users.

MetaPassport came to life

In the next phase, we plan to take MetaPassport to the next level through unremitting efforts, the XR World. We will achieve highly realistic game interactions, where our player’s virtual avatars will be able to live in the digital world of Web3.0, similar to movies such as β€˜Ready Player One’ and β€˜The Matrix’.

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